Federal Work Study

Welcome to the 博彩推荐 Federal Work Study (FWS) home page!

Whether you are looking for additional information on the program or looking for a job, we hope that you can find all of your answers here. If you have any additional questions, please contact the Financial Aid Office at (910) 642-7141, ext. 141.

What is Federal Work-Study?

The Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program provides part-time employment to students attending institutions of higher education who demonstrate a financial need to help meet their post-secondary education costs and encourages students receiving FWS assistance to participate in community service activities.

The Work-Study Program is designed to prepare students for the workforce, encourage responsibility, provide a comprehensive view of a strong work ethic, and provide valuable work experience within a student’s field of study. In turn, the student contributes to the successful operation of the College and/or local community service agencies.

Who is eligible for Federal Work-Study?

To determine eligibility, the student must submit a FAFSA, demonstrate financial need, maintain satisfactory academic progress, and be enrolled and maintain at least half-time enrollment each semester of each academic school year. Eligibility will be determined based on FAFSA results and the submission of the work-study application.

For additional information regarding FWS, please contact the Financial Aid office. Our office is located in A Building, room 100.

We are delighted that you have chosen to work as part of the Southeastern Community College team. The employment of our students has always been very important to the College. Student employment is a partnership that benefits both you and the department in which you are working.

Please note that like any job, there are terms of employment and expectations. Some examples include, but are not limited to:

  • This is a “real” job that will give you experience that will look good on a future résumé or application to a four-year university.
  • You, along with your supervisor, will develop a work schedule. Anytime that you are not able to be at work, you should contact your supervisor at least 30 minutes prior to your work begin time.
  • The Work-Study Contract that you sign designates the number of hours that you are allowed to work each week. You should not exceed this amount or you put yourself in danger of not being able to work the full semester.
  • Your supervisor will discuss any additional expectations and policies that you will be required to follow such as customer service, confidentiality, office procedures, and dress code, just to name a few.
  • Typically, work-study students do not work when the college is closed or in between semesters when class is not in session.
  • You will no longer be eligible for employment under the FWS program if you drop below half-time (6 credit hours) or if you are dismissed from the college.
  • In order to maintain your eligibility to work under the FWS program, you must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) which requires a 2.0 cumulative GPA and a 67% completion rate.
  • FWS students are expected to follow the Student Code of Conduct (Policy 4.05) while in class and in the workplace. Any student that misuses college equipment or supplies, or commits any serious infraction of 博彩推荐’s Student Code of Conduct will be subject to disciplinary action by the appropriate college authority.
  • Time Sheets should be completed at the beginning and end of each day worked. Please note the falsification of time on your timesheet is a crime and any student who falsifies hours worked will be referred to the appropriate campus authority for investigation and possible disciplinary action

Just a few things to keep in mind to help ensure that your time participating in the FWS program is a success!

Time Sheet (Fill-in Form)

Procedures for completion of Work-Study Time Sheet

  1. Keep this time sheet in the area in which you are working.
  2. All time sheets must be completed in INK. Corrected time sheets will not be accepted. If corrections are necessary, a new time sheet must be completed.
  3. Write name, ID number, department, and supervisor’s name where indicated.
  4. Be sure to indicate the dates (days, months, and year) the hours are to cover.
  5. Total hours to the nearest QUARTER hour and list at the end of each working day.
  6. Total hours at the end of the week.
  7. Add weekly totals and enter on the appropriate line.
  8. Student should enter total hours worked for the month and sign the certification.
  9. Student should submit completed time sheet to Supervisor no later than the last working day of each month.
  10. Work-Study supervisors are to complete the certification (in ink) of the total number of hours worked by the student.
  11. Work-Study supervisors should submit the time sheet to the Financial Aid Office no later than the last working day of each month. A copy of the time sheet should be kept with the supervisor’s records.
  12. Payday is normally the last day of each month. When the last day falls on a weekend, the Friday before the weekend will be payday. The pay you receive will cover hours worked through the last day of the previous month. Example: The check you received on October 31st will cover the hours worked from September 1st through September 30th.

Time sheets must be turned in promptly on the LAST working day of the month. If proper approval of completion of the certification has not been done, your time sheet will be returned to your work-study supervisor for completion and/or corrections. This could delay payment for hours worked.
