High School Programs

What is Career & College Promise?

Success in today’s global economy may require a two-or four-year degree, a certificate or diploma. Through Career & College Promise (CCP), qualified high-school-age students in North Carolina have the opportunity to pursue these options, tuition free, while they are in high school, allowing them to get a jumpstart on their workplace and college preparation.

CCP provides three pathways to help advance eligible students’ post-high school success.

University Transfer & Teacher Preparation

College transfer pathways provide tuition-free course credits toward the Associate in Arts or Associate in Science that will transfer seamlessly to any public or participating private college or university.

Technical Programs

Earn tuition-free course credits at an NC Community College toward a job credential, certificate or diploma in a technical career.

Columbus Career & College Academy

(CCCA/Early College High School)

Columbus Career and College Academy (CCCA) serves students through a partnership between Southeastern Community College (博彩推荐) and Columbus County Schools. CCCA is an innovative public high school seeking to expand students’ opportunities for education through high quality instructional programs. Students begin their high school careers at the Fair Bluff campus. Students then have an opportunity to move to 博彩推荐’s campus to complete a college transfer associates degree or a technical career degree. CCCA is operated by Columbus County Schools in partnership with the college. CCCA Early College graduates leave with a high school diploma and an associate degree at no cost to the student. The entire curriculum is designed to be completed in five years. Columbus County students should talk to their high school counselors about this amazing opportunity.
