Campus Safety & Security

Campus Security Services

It is a goal of campus security services to provide the safest educational environment possible for students at Southeastern Community College. Known and suspected violations of federal, state, or local laws and on-campus emergencies should be reported to campus police, security, or 911 as soon as possible.

Southeastern Community College police/security officers are employees of the college. These officers are responsible for enforcing, observing, and reporting federal state, local and college laws and regulations, including parking regulations. Campus security is supplemented by support from federal, state, and local agencies having jurisdiction in the college’s service area.
Faculty, staff, and students must recognize that they should take individual precautions to protect themselves from becoming victims of a crime. Working together as a campus community in crime prevention programs is essential in the successful development of a safe campus environment. Crime awareness is addressed annually at student orientation.
Students participating in off-campus (college-sponsored) activities need to report criminal incidents to the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction where the crime occurred and must inform the Southeastern Community College campus security officers as soon as possible after the incident.

Students are personally responsible for their visitors while on campus. Visitors are subject to the regulations of the college.

Children should not be on campus unless they are under the direct supervision of a parent or responsible adult. Children are not permitted in classes, laboratories, the library, and the Student Center.

Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, Annual Report

*During the summer, normal hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. to noon on Friday. The college is open on the weekends as needed for Workforce/Continuing Education classes and special events.

Contact Campus Safety

Campus Police Officer: 910.788.6400

博彩推荐 Campus Security: 910.625.9089 or 910.788.6215

College Welcome Desk: 910.642.7141

Emergency Number: Dial 911

Safety is the responsibility of every employee/student, and compliance with safety policies and procedures will benefit everyone. The prevention of accidents and the elimination of safety hazards will continue to be a major objective of the college. The safety of our students, employees, the public and our operations are of the utmost importance and will receive our highest level of attention. The college takes employee/student safety and health seriously and believes that most injuries and unhealthy conditions are preventable. To this end, employees/students are encouraged to report any hazards or unsafe conditions. Further, they shall not engage in behaviors which are perceived as hazardous and will apply the principles of accident prevention to promote the general health and well-being of all concerned.

The college takes reasonable steps to provide a healthy, safe, and secure environment for all campus constituents. A healthy, safe, and secure environment enhances management. (Policy 8.01)

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” The college does not discriminate on the basis of sex in educational programs or activities, recruitment, admission or employment consideration or selection, whether full-time or part time, under any educational program or activity operated by the college receiving or benefiting from federal financial assistance.

Anyone wishing to report sexual misconduct should contact any one of the following individuals as outlined below:

Title IX Coordinator
Ian Callahan
Director, Human Resources
[email protected]
A-Building, Room 107

Title IX Deputy Coordinator
Colene Faulk
Dean of Student Services
[email protected]

博彩推荐 is committed to increasing the awareness of and prevention of sexual misconduct and discrimination both on and off campus. The college makes continued efforts to provide students and employees with information and strategies intended to prevent sexual misconduct and discrimination. In an effort to promote on-going awareness on campus safety, on occasion, 博彩推荐 conducts informational sessions and training on a wide variety of subjects related to the health, safety and well-being of our employees and students.

Announcements will be made to inform the campus community about a “significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on the campus.” An emergency response expands upon the definition of “timely warning,” as it includes both Clery Act crimes and other types of emergencies (examples: a fire, infectious disease outbreak, terrorist attack, natural disaster, weather emergency).

Timely warning is an announcement made to alert the campus community about Clery Crimes and other serious incidents in the event that a reported crime may pose a serious or continuing threat to the campus and surrounding community.

Title IX Coordinator and Campus Police work collaboratively with various offices on campus to develop, implement and oversee programs that ensure the college’s overall compliance with the Clery Act and associated regulations.

For questions, additional detail, or to request changes to this policy, contact Campus Police.
